Special Meeting of the VOSHA Review Board
The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the FY25 and FY26 budgets, docket status, executive/deliberative session for purposes of deliberating VRB1059 A.C.T. Roofing L.L.C. and to set the next meeting date.
The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the FY25 and FY26 budgets, docket status, executive/deliberative session for purposes of deliberating VRB1059 A.C.T. Roofing L.L.C. and to set the next meeting date.
Purpose of this meeting is to discuss Budget to Actuals, Docket information, Executive Session to deliberate VRB1059 A.C.T. Roofing L.L.C, and set the next meeting.
Purpose of this meeting is to discuss Budget to Actuals, Docket information, Records Retention and Electronic Preservation, Contracts, Hearing Guidelines, and set the next meeting.
Purpose of this meeting is to review to budget, case status, records retention, contracts, and hearing guidelines.
The purpose of this Board meeting is to review the November 2023 minutes, discuss the current year budget to actuals as well as the incoming fiscal year budget as submitted to the legislature. In addition, the Board will be discussing the current fiscal year docket. The Clerk will also provide an update of record retention and file preservation. Lastly, the Board will enter into executive session for the annual Clerk's review.
The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the current and proposed budget, review case status, records schedule, case management policy, electronic file preservation, pro hac vice informal policy, and VRB future planning.
The meeting will be held in person on 6 Baldwin Street, Room 313. However, to attend remotely, you may access the Microsoft Teams link through the agenda.
The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the current fiscal year actuals to budget, FY24 budget status, purchasing permissions, state assessment of internal controls, docket review, various Clerk tasks, transcriptionist contract, and executive session to discuss personnel matters as permitted under 1 VSA 313.
Purpose of the meeting is to hold an executive session to discuss personnel matters as permitted under 1 VSA 313. To view the agenda and Microsoft Teams link go to: Agenda and Minutes | VOSHA Review Board (vermont.gov) of our website.
The purpose of the meeting is to discuss open and closed status, budget (generally and as it relates to the Federal Grant), and reappointments.